Available public vending cart locations are awarded in an annual lottery. Following the award of a location, a public vending permit application must be submitted via ATLCORE, the city's business licensing and permitting portal within 30 days of receiving the award(s).
Submission of the following completed documents and fees is required:
You must also have a valid occupation tax certificate/business license (issued by the City of Atlanta or a jurisdiction within the State of Georgia).
NOTE: ATLCORE will not accept upload of a file name containing special characters (&,@,/, etc.).
Helpful guides for navigating ATLCORE, including how to register, submitting applications, how to pay, how to print a license, etc., can be found by clicking HERE.
After your application is reviewed for completion, you will be invoiced via ATLCORE and payment may be made via the portal. For new applications, an initial non-refundable fee of $145 is applicable ($75 permit, $50 background check, $20 fingerprinting).
Following the payment of these fees you must complete the background check and fingerprinting by the Atlanta Police Department, License and Permits Unit.
Per City ordinance, disabled veterans and blind persons are exempt from paying application fees.
The City’s Public Property Vending Permit does not enable vendors to vend on private property
Additional information may be viewed by clicking the link below.
If requesting an update on the status of your application, please check ATLCORE.
City of Atlanta Public Right of Way Vending Program