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Modified (EST) : 12/11/2024 12:31:45 PM

The Atlanta Citizen Review Board (ACRB) is an independent agency of the City of Atlanta authorized to investigate and mediate citizen complaints against Atlanta police and corrections officers. ACRB provides the opportunity for citizens to be heard and receive fair investigations that are thorough, independent, transparent, and impartial. Every complaint is objectively examined. The investigations are conducted by seasoned, professional, citizen investigators. A trained board of Atlanta residents, appointed by various organizations and groups, makes independent decisions on whether the officer(s) violated Atlanta police or corrections departmental policies. Their decisions are based on the evidence contained in the completed investigations report.


ACRB is mandated to hold officers accountable and is allowed access to all police officers, documents, photo, and video evidence pertaining to your complaint. The agency will acknowledge receipt of all complaints within 24 hours.


 A complaint of misconduct involving an Atlanta Police Department (APD), or Atlanta Corrections Department (ACD) officer may be submitted with the ACRB as follows:



Atlanta Citizen Review Board

Atlanta City Hall

City Hall Tower, Suite 1225

55 Trinity Ave, SW

Atlanta, GA 30303


For more information about the ACRB, visit the Atlanta Citizen Review Board Website.