The Department of City Planning (DCP) offers a range of online and virtual solutions for all your application and permitting needs. As of early 2020, all OZD services shifted to digital platforms. For step-by-step instructions on this new process, please review the Digital Permit Submissions guidelines (link below).
The Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) consists of five members, appointed by the Atlanta City Council, who hear applications for zoning variances (variations), special exceptions, and appeals of administrative decisions.
Common types of variance applications heard by the board include:
• Encroachments into setbacks
• Increase in the height of structures
• Reduction of open space
Common special exception applications heard by the board include:
• Increasing the height of a fence, gate, or column
• Reduction of parking
• Allowance of active recreation (pool, sports court) on a corner lot
Applications –
• Applications, available for download via the link below, must be submitted to the Department of City Planning, Office of Zoning and Development (OZD), as follows:
– Variances or special exceptions, including all required documentation and fees, are accepted Monday - Friday, 8:15 AM – 3:00 PM.
– Appeals are accepted Monday – Friday, 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM.
• Check Status - The status of an application may be checked by accessing the Accela Citizen website (link below) and entering the case number, property address or parcel ID number.
• Speak with a City Planner - Cases are assigned to an OZD city planner at least 4 weeks prior to the hearing date. Contact OZD at the number shown below to obtain the name and phone number of the assigned planner. NOTE: The rules of the BZA prevent board members from discussing an application except during the public hearing.
• Withdraw Application - Write to the Secretary to the Board of Zoning Adjustment, stating a wish to withdraw the application. Please include the case number. The
withdrawal request may be mailed to OZD at the address shown below, faxed to 404-658-7491, or emailed to the secretary shown on the BZA webpage.
Public Hearings –
The Board of Zoning Adjustment holds public hearings the first and second Thursday of each month in the City Council chambers, located on the second floor of City Hall, 55 Trinity Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30303. The schedule is available on the BZA website (link below). Applicants are allowed ten minutes to present their case.
**Applicants who are unable to attend the hearing may send a representative. Please ensure the representative is aware of all pertinent details related to the property and the application. If unable to send a representative, applicant may submit a request to defer the hearing. Most deferrals are to the next hearing without a full agenda. NOTE: Requests for first time deferrals received 18 days prior to the first hearing date can be carried out by the Secretary to the Board, as the case will not yet be on a published agenda. After 18 days, the Board must defer the case during the scheduled hearing. If the case has already been deferred at least once, the applicant or the representative must attend the scheduled hearing to explain the circumstances that require another deferral. A deferral fee is assessed to deferred cases.
BZA hearings are recorded by the Mayor’s Office of Communication and are typically available within 3 days of the hearing (link below).
The Office of Zoning and Development is located at –
City Hall
55 Trinity Ave SW, Suite 3350
Atlanta, GA 30303
For status updates on submitted permits, visit the Accela Citizen website (link below).
For additional assistance, contact the Office of Zoning and Development via email at or by phone at 404-330-6145.
Office of Zoning and Development - Forms and Applications
Board of Zoning Adjustment Meeting Videos