A residential or commercial property that has extensive junk, trash or debris on the property itself is in violation of the housing code for the City of Atlanta. The Code Enforcement section of the Atlanta Police Department handles these violations on residential and commercial properties that are within the city limits.
If the dumping is in progress, please dial 911 to report it. If the dumping has already occurred, your complaint will be referred to the APD Code Enforcement Unit. Once the complaint is received, an Officer will be assigned, and an inspection will be conducted on the property. This process can take up to 120 business days to complete. Depending on the inspection results, the owner is notified on how to bring the property into compliance.
If the junk, trash and debris is in the RIGHT OF WAY, the Office of Public Works will handle. Follow the link below to report junk, trash, and debris in the public right of way.
Request Junk Trash and Debris removal from the Public Right of Way
Code Enforcement Process
Minimum Standards for Structures
Code Enforcement Website
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