Anyone in disagreement with an arborist's eligibility ruling may request a second inspection by a Parks Department Arborist.
If the secondary Arborist ruling determines the tree is still not eligible for removal, the tree will not be inspected again for a period of at least three months except under extenuating circumstances, such as storm related damage or any other significant unforeseen changes in the tree’s health or safety.
At any time during this three-month period, the citizen seeking removal of the tree may apply for a Tree Removal Permit. The City may not approve the request if the applicant fails to comply with the Tree Conservation Ordinance or adopted City policy or if the Tree Conservation Commission sustains an appeal.
If approved, the citizen applying for the permit will be held responsible for all costs related to removal of the tree (including stump removal). The citizen applying for the permit must comply with the written policy for replacement of public trees including without limitation inch per inch replacement of all trees removed and a tree replacement plan, which must be presented to show the location, species, and size of all replacement trees.
The Department of Parks and Recreation is responsible for posting notices for tree removal on public property. By law, proposed removals of healthy trees are posted for 15 calendar days prior to final approval. The posting ensures the public has an opportunity to appeal the removal of any trees.