Create a Case
Modified (EST) : 11/29/2024 2:37:42 AM

Please be advised that the citation issued is your official summons to appear in court on the set date and time. Reset requests for a new court date may be requested no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the scheduled court date. Reset request forms can be completed in person at the Municipal Court or downloaded online (please see below) and mailed. 


Mail your completed form to:

Municipal Court of Atlanta Clerk's Office

150 Garnett Street SW

Atlanta, GA 30303  


If your case is reset for a new court date, you will receive a notice in the mail and the date will be displayed online under Events. A reset request is not guaranteed and may result in an FTA if not approved by the Judge.


You may also turn in the completed form in person at the address shown above, Monday – Friday, 7:15 AM - 4:30 PM.


Request for Reset Form

Municipal Court of Atlanta