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Modified (EST) : 11/29/2024 6:25:52 AM

The In Rem Review Board is composed of (9) nine members. Each member is a City of Atlanta resident, nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council.

The In Rem Review Board hearings are held the fourth (4th) Thursday of each month (pending the holiday schedule and required quorum) and televised via City of Atlanta’s Channel 26 LIVE.

Prior to the hearing, several actions must take place:

  • Notification of hearing is mailed via certified mail to the owners and all parties with an interest in the property identified through a formal title examination.
  • Notification is mailed first-class to the property address and posted on the property.
  • Notification is published in the newspaper in which the Sheriff’s advertisements appear in such county once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to the hearing.
  • A notice of Lis pendens is filed in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court in the county in which the structure or building is located prior to the hearing.

The Board Chairman calls the hearing to order, all witnessing persons are sworn in, the Chairman calls the agenda, and the City presents its evidence for each property. The Board then determines the City’s course of action, which may include boarding of the property, cutting overgrowth, removal of debris, and/or demolition.

For additional information, including the results of prior hearings, visit Administrative In Rem Proceedings.