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Modified (EST) : 12/31/2024 11:18:34 AM

There are several updates due to the COVID-19 pandemic:


  • RESIDENTIAL INSPECTIONS for SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES: Residential inspections can be completed by live inspection, video inspection or 3rd party inspections due to limited staffing (info below). Live inspections are performed by COA inspectors or contract inspectors working exclusively for the City of Atlanta. To request an inspection, follow the standard procedure as shown below. 


  • COMMERCIAL INSPECTIONS:  Commercial inspections can be completed by live inspection, video inspection, or 3rd party inspections due to limited staffing (info below). Live inspections are performed by (COA inspectors.  To request an inspection, follow the standard procedure as shown below. 


  • VIDEO INSPECTIONS: Virtual video inspections have been launched as an alternative to on-site inspections. Utilize the link below to obtain information regarding video inspections.   


In general, inspections are required to confirm construction work is aligned with City of Atlanta ordinances and plans submitted to the Department of City Planning, Office of Buildings.


Initial inspections include, but are not limited to – 

 • Foundation: Footing, Wall, Slab

 • Trade or MEP and Sprinkler:  Underground, Slab, Rough, Ceiling Cover, and Final Inspections

 • Framing

 • Insulation

 • Ceiling Cover, both trade and building

    Final Inspections: All Trade MEPS and Building


Final Inspections –

Upon completion of the project, applicable final inspections, including trade (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire sprinkler), building, arborist, and site development, will be required before issuance of a certificate of occupancy.  


Schedule an Inspection –

Inspections may be scheduled by contacting the Office of Buildings, Inspection Division, via email at , or by calling the automated phone system at 404-658-6800.

NOTE: To provide lockbox information, contact information, or other specific information an inspector will need, please call the Inspection Division at the number shown below or email the information to


Speak with an Inspector –

Inspectors are available Monday – Friday, 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM. To speak with the appropriate inspector, please call the Inspection Division at the number shown below. 


For additional assistance, please contact the Office of Buildings, Inspection Division, via email at or by phone at 404-865-8400.


Office of Buildings


3rd Party Inspections


Remote Video Inspections