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Modified (EST) : 12/26/2024 3:10:27 PM

An open records request is a public record which is kept by a public agency and it can be documents, paper, letters, maps, books, tapes, photograph, computer based or general information.

Open records requests for the Department of Parks and Recreation may be submitted by phone or in writing as follows: 

• Phone at 404-546-6813, M-F, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM 

• Email at

• Mail to Main Office: 160 Trinity Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30303

Request should include:

• Name

• Phone number

• Email address (if applicable)

• Specific request information to be included in the request


Open records requests may be picked up only after the custodian of the records has contacted the requester for pickup.

Requester contact is made within three business days of receipt of the request. Open records requests are $0.10 per page.