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Modified (EST) : 1/2/2025 4:42:11 PM

Shareable Dockless Mobility Devices (SDMD) are shareable transportation devices that do not have docking stations, such as electric scooters and bikes.


Per City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances, Sec. 150, SDMDs must be parked on the sidewalk in a bike rack, against a building, or at a curb, in a manner that affords the least obstruction of pedestrian traffic and provides a minimum of 5 feet clear for pedestrians.  


To submit a request for SDMD removal:

  • Contact ATL311 at 404-546-0311 or
  • Submit an online service request below  


NOTE: If submitting an online request, please include the following information: 

  • Scooter company/brand
  • Color of the scooter if the brand is not known
  • The reason the device needs to be removed by the City
    • Parking violation
    • Broken or in disrepair
  • The unique device ID number, if possible
  • The location of the violation
    • Closest intersection, closest address


Atlanta Department of Transportation - Shareable Bikes and Scooters


City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances, Sec. 150



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