The Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) has four (4) levels of readiness and response based on forecasted snow and ice weather conditions.
Level 4 − Temperature below freezing, but no precipitation
ATLDOT staff and equipment (responding primarily to waterline breaks)
Level 3 − Temperature between 32-25 degrees and light precipitation (less than 1 inch)
Priority I & II bridges and Priority I roads as needed
ATLDOT staff and equipment (salt and/or brine).
For Level 3 conditions that are forecast to last longer than 72 hours, a Level 2 response may be implemented.
Assistance from DPW, DWM, and/or contractors as needed.
Level 2 − Temperatures between 25 and 20 degrees and medium precipitation (1 to 2 inches)
Priority I & II bridges, Priority I roads, and Priority II bridges as needed
DPW and Watershed staff and equipment (salt and/or brine).
Assistance may be requested from Parks and Recreation to address any issues with trees and limbs.
For Level 2 conditions that are forecast to last longer than 72 hours, a Level 1 response may be implemented.
Assistance from contractors as needed.
Level 1 − Temperatures below 20 degrees and heavy precipitation (2 inches or greater)
Priority I & II roads and bridges, Priority II roads and bridges as resources allow
DPW, Watershed, and Parks staff and equipment (salt and/or brine).
Assistance from contractors as needed.
Enhanced Staffing − When the expected conditions do not meet the requirements for one of the four levels, deploying additional personnel and additional equipment for response efforts are arranged as needed.
NOTE: Responses are prioritized as follows:
First Priority – Hospitals, public safety facilities, major thoroughfares, major bridges, and critical accesses.
Second Priority – Minor thoroughfares and other designated routes.
Third Priority – Residential and other local streets.