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Modified (EST) : 1/2/2025 4:48:11 PM

The Solid Waste Education and Enforcement Team (SWEET) inspects code violations in the public right of way. It may take up to five (5) days for the investigation to be completed.


  • If requesting a SWEET inspection for dumpster violations, submit a request for Dumpster Violations-SWEET Inspection.
  • If requesting a SWEET inspection for sign violations, submit a request for Illegal Signs in the City’s Right of Way-SWEET Inspection.
  • If the items are on private property, APD-Code Enforcement will investigate the request. Submit a request for Code Enforcement - Junk, Trash, and Debris-PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY.


NOTE: The City of Atlanta does not investigate clean up requests on the interstate. Highway and interstate requests should be referred to the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) at 404-631-1387. If the highway/interstate debris is hazardous to drivers, please contact 911.

Contact Information

Request Location

Additional Information

Questions Answers
Provide the quadrant and zip code of the location.
Are there any landmarks?
Include a cross street, if applicable.
Provide a description of the items and where they are placed.