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Modified (EST) : 1/11/2025 2:35:30 PM


A traffic study is performed to determine the need for a traffic control device.


Examples of traffic control devices include, but are not limited to:

  • New stop signs
  • A reduction of the speed limit
  • Establishment of new speed limits if none currently exists on the entire street
  • New traffic signals, including a new turn signal and speed monitors


Traffic Studies include site assessments, crash histories, and 24-hour volume or peak-hour turning movement counts. This process can be lengthy due to the work required and volume of requests.


If requesting a traffic study:


  • Contact ATL311 at 404-546-0311 or 
  • Submit an online service request below


Provide the location of the proposed traffic study, a brief reason for the request and specify the type of traffic control device needed.  


NOTE: A mailing address should be included when submitting a request for a traffic study. If approved, once signed by the Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT), a petition package will be mailed to the customer. The customer must obtain signatures of 75% of their neighbors and return the petition to ATLDOT before any additional action will be taken regarding installation. The petition package will include full instructions.



Contact Information

Request Location

Additional Information

Questions Answers
What is the location? Include the quadrant and zip code.
Are there any landmarks?
Include a cross street, if applicable.
Is the traffic study for a new stop sign, speed limit reduction, establish new speed limits, new traffic signal, or speed monitors?
What is the customer's mailing address?