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Modified (EST) : 12/26/2024 2:26:52 PM

Please be advised, paying a citation online is the same as entering a Guilty Plea. For certain driving offenses, a Guilty Plea will impact your driver’s license.  

A Guilty Plea can be reported to the Department of Driver Services (DDS) and, for certain driving offenses, the following can occur:     

  • Points issued on your driver’s license. A driver’s license with 15 points in a 24-month period will be suspended.
  • Mandatory driver’s license suspension.

NOTE: If you hold a Commercial Driver’s License, please contact DDS before paying your fine online.

If you are paying a Failure to Appear (FTA) fine online, the record will be electronically transmitted to DDS within 48 hours of the case being closed online.

Municipal Court of Atlanta Online payment portal

Municipal Court of Atlanta

Georgia Department of Driver Services