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Modified (EST) : 12/23/2024 12:09:24 PM

The City of Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreations offers free pickleball at multiple sites across the city, with permanent lines painted on some tennis courts.


Due to USTA (United States Tennis Association) /ALTA (Atlanta Lawn Tennis Association) rules, the Department of Parks and Recreation does not provide permanent pickleball lines on courts at the 5 tennis centers, (Chastain, McGhee, Washington, Bitsy, and Piedmont), except on courts not utilized for tennis league play. Drop down and/or tape lines may be used at the centers but must be removed at the end of play.


To request additional lines at outdoor courts or additional Pickleball facilities, contact Parks Customer Service at


For more information on City of Atlanta Pickleball, click the link below.


City of Atlanta Pickleball