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Modified (EST) : 11/29/2024 6:26:55 AM


To request an adjustment to a streetlight that is overly bright and is intrusive to a residence,   

  • Contact ATL311 at 404-546-0311 or
  • Submit an online service request below.


The following information is required when submitting an online request:

  • Contact information – name, email address and telephone number.
  • Address where the streetlight is located.

          NOTE: If the issue involves consecutive streetlights on the same street,

          please include the address range in the Customer Notes (i.e., From 123 Street Name to 129 Street Name)

  • Attach a picture of the streetlight(s), if available.


  In the Customer Notes section, include –

  • The reason for the request (i.e., Excessive light penetrating my private dwelling, or any other reason)
  • If the issue involves consecutive streetlights on the same street, please include the address range   (i.e., From 123 Street Name to 129 Street Name)


Upon receipt of the request, the City of Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT) will perform an inspection to determine if a shield should be placed on the streetlight(s) to reduce the brightness. If a need for the shield is determined, ATLDOT will refer the issue to Georgia Power for fulfillment.


NOTE: Please be aware that in some instances the ATLDOT assessor will request a meeting out at the location with the requestor.


If you need to report a streetlight that is not bright enough, please see the article, New Street Light Installation or New Street Light Study Request.



Contact Information

Request Location

Additional Information

Questions Answers
What is the location? Include the quadrant and zip code.
Are there any landmarks?
Include a cross street if applicable.
Does the issue involve consecutive streetlights on the same street?
What is the address range (for consecutive streetlights)?